
The problem with too many VMs

Unlike maintaining multiple servers, which have to be manually installed and configured, deploying virtual machines (VMs) require very little effort. By making a few simple adjustments in your virtualization console, you can easily create a virtual instance with enough resources to run even the most demanding apps.

A beginner’s guide to VoIP options

The field of business IT is never short on insider jargon. Voice over IP (VoIP) and its long list of acronym-laden add-on features is a great example. While you don’t need to understand every term, you should at least learn the differences between open source and proprietary systems.

Post job listings on Google!

Are you finding it difficult to find new hires despite your job postings? We don’t blame you as the recruitment competition is more intense than ever before. This is why you need all the help you can get to advertise your openings. Enter Google for Jobs.

KRACK patch on macOS High Sierra

Together with a new batch of emojis, the latest macOS update comes with security, stability, and reliability improvements. As usual, Apple recommends that Mac users update to macOS 10.13.1 High Sierra, and with good reason: It includes an essential patch to the recently discovered WiFi security vulnerability, KRACK.
Why you should update now
Foremost on Apple’s list of macOS updates is the addition of 70 new emojis.

Get more space with OneDrive Files On-Demand

We truly comprehend the meaning of scarcity when our local disk is running out of space. Trying to sort out which files to keep and which to delete takes time and doesn’t guarantee a desirable outcome. But with OneDrive’s new feature, you can just move them to the cloud and get your storage space back -- in just a few clicks.

Top tips for optimizing your Google reviews

Google has made reviews more visible within its search results, which means that online reviews will have a massive impact on customer behavior and your company’s search performance. If you’re not taking the time to generate good reviews from prominent sites, your business may not get enough customer attention to stay afloat.