What hyperconverged infrastructure can do for SMBs

Thorough IT infrastructure builds tend to be cost-prohibitive and consequently, difficult to justify for many businesses. Hyperconvergence is a great alternative to traditional IT builds, both in terms of cost and robustness.
What are hyperconverged infrastructures?
In a traditional IT environment, networking, server, and storage hardware need to be purchased separately and configured to work together as a cohesive system.

Virtualization and licensing

For a successful virtualization project, it’s important to understand software licensing and support policies for virtualized and cloud environments. Today, many enterprises invest in software to track licensing compliance and vendor support policies because policies could differ substantially among vendors.

Virtualization from Microsoft gets faster

Microsoft isn’t always the first company that pops into mind when talking about virtualization, but it does offer one of the best solutions in the industry. In an ongoing effort to compete with companies like VMWare and Amazon Web Services, Microsoft has released a massive upgrade for its virtualization platform -- and it’s totally free!
Azure: Microsoft’s virtualization platform
As a full-service cloud solution, Azure is a secure and flexible data center that businesses of all sizes can benefit from.