Blockchain is much more than Bitcoin

Blockchain technology is very complex. So instead of diving in to what makes it work, we want to first showcase what it’s capable of. The primary purpose of blockchain is faster and more secure information exchanges, which has led to some incredible advances in small-business technology.

6 CRM best practices you need to know

Most companies have customer relationship management (CRM) software to help them keep track of contact information and purchase history. But having a large database is worthless if you’re not using it to build long-lasting relationships. To keep existing clients coming back and bring new ones in, follow these CRM best practices.

More productive meetings with

Meetings that result in little more than wasted hours are counter-productive and a surprisingly large drain on resources. After all, if your best people are spending the majority of their working day locked in a meeting room, drinking endless cups of coffee, making copious notes, and yet leaving with little or nothing to show for it, you’re quite simply throwing money down the drain.