What is single sign-on and why should you be using it

If you use multiple applications and accounts for work, you know how frustrating it can be to have to enter different usernames and passwords for each one. That’s where single sign-on comes in.

What is single sign on?

Single sign-on or SSO is an authentication method that lets users access several applications and websites with a single set of login credentials.

Why HTTPS matters for your cybersecurity

It’s no secret that the internet can be a dangerous place. Hackers, scammers, and identity thieves are always looking for new ways to steal your information or scam you out of your hard-earned money. That’s why it’s critical to take steps to protect yourself while you’re online.

Steps you must take to use web browsers securely

Visiting unsecure sites and consequently getting your device infected with malware is not the only way you may be jeopardizing your business’s data when surfing the web. Among other things, you might also be letting adware and browser trackers run amok in your browsers.

WordPress hacks to boost your site’s speed 

A decade ago, five seconds was an acceptable page load time. But today, most web visitors expect a web page to load as soon as they open it. They are also likely to close a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. To prevent users from leaving your site, try these tips that will speed up your WordPress site.

How does SaaS save your business money?

For many businesses, regardless of size, the cost of acquiring and maintaining software is a massive drain on their finances. Fortunately, they can leverage Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Read on to learn how your business can save money with SaaS.

What is SaaS, and what does Software-as-a-Service even mean?

Just a few years ago, the main way for computer users to get software was to either buy a physical CD or download the software from the internet.